Mathematical competencies of T Level science : Teaching probability and statistics RX060

The essential skills students require when handling data, when calculating averages and measures of spread, when processing and representing data and when dealing with probability and risk


Are you looking to develop your students' mathematical competencies in T Level Science? This course, part of a suite designed  to support the teaching of the general mathematics competences in the T Level science specifications, develops general mathematics competencies.

You will explore how to build on students' understanding of statistics from GCSE. We will consider the essential skills students require when handling data, calculating averages, measures of spread and processing data. We will explore the use of technology when producing diagrams, graphs and charts and reflect on how students' understanding of probability impacts on their understanding of risk.

This suite of short professional development courses been have developed provide an introduction to the general mathematical competencies which are embedded throughout the T level qualifications. Each course will develop pedagogy, mathematical subject knowledge and highlight resources suitable for classroom use. The other three courses in this suite are:

RX058 An introduction to teaching the general mathematics competencies of T-level science  (2 hours)

RX059 Mathematical competencies of T-level science : Teaching proportion  (2 hours)

RX061 Mathematical competencies of T-level science : Applying mathematical skills  (2 hours)

If you'd like to book to attend the full suite of courses, please see RX066 An introduction to the mathematical requirements of T Level Science


    By attending this session you will: 

  • Explore methods to build on students' understanding of statistics from GCSE
  • Consider the essential skills students require when handling data, calculating averages, calculating measures of spread and processing data.
  • Explore the use of technology when producing diagrams, graphs and charts
  • Reflect on how students' prior experiences impacts their understanding of probability and riska


This course relates to the T Level Technical Qualification in Science (Level 3) and has been developed alongside supporting provision from NCFE 1.
‘T Level’ is a registered trademark of the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education. 
The T Level is a qualification approved and managed by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education.

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