Mathematics in T level science : Teaching student t-test RX064

Explore the purpose of the Student t-test, when the different Students t tests are used, how the tests are performed and how to interpret the results.


Are you looking to develop your students' understanding of statistical tests in T Level Science? This course forms part of a suite of CPD designed to provide you with a deeper understanding of the statistical tests required in T level Science.

This course builds upon the content in 'RX062 An introduction to statistical tests in T level science' course in order to develop methods of teaching to develop deeper understanding. You will begin by looking at standard deviation and the Normal distribution which leads to an understanding of when the Student t-test should be used. You will develop an understanding of when an unpaired t-test should be used and when a paired t-test is used and consider how the result of the t-test is used to determine when to accept or reject the null hypothesis.

This suite of short professional development courses been have developed provide support for the statistical tests which are embedded throughout the T level qualifications. Each course will develop pedagogy, mathematical subject knowledge and highlight resources suitable for classroom use. The other three courses in this suite are:

RX062 An introduction to the Statistical Tests in T Level Science (2 hours)

RX063 Mathematics in T level science: Teaching Chi-squared (2 hours)

RX065 Mathematics in T level science: Teaching tests for correlation (2 hours)

If you'd like to book to attend the full suite of courses, please see RX067 Understanding the statistical tests in T Level Science


By attending this session you will:

  • Understand the purpose of the Student t tests
  • Know when to use a paired t-test and when to use an unpaired t-test
  • Be able to find the critical value from the table
  • Interpret the result and frame an answer


This course relates to the T Level Technical Qualification in Science (Level 3) and has been developed alongside supporting provision from NCFE 1.
‘T Level’ is a registered trademark of the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education. 
The T Level is a qualification approved and managed by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education.

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