Assessment and progression in KS3 computing - Blended CP213

For Key Stage 3 computing teachers who are new or existing to the subject. This CPD covers the key formative and assessment strategies needed in key stage 3 and beyond, including strategies relating to programming.


This course is aimed at computing subject leaders and secondary computing teachers who are looking to ensure rapid progression through Key Stage 3 by ensuring formative and summative assessment is planned and utilised in their subject and in particular what it looks like in programming. Participants will get the opportunity to look at the expectations of attainment are at the end of KS2 and identify strategies and tools to ensure progression right through the key stage putting their students in the best possible position to take on GCSE Computer Science. 

Prior Knowledge

Participants would have a solid base of understanding of subject knowledge at Key Stage 3 and 4 – Computer Science Accelerator

Course units

  • Assessment & Progression Overview – To start the day you’ll get to grips with the basic concepts of progression from end of KLS2 to beginning of KS4, looking at learning journeys and an overview of formative and summative assessment

  • Formative Assessment –  In this session you will look at strategies to identify misconceptions and gaps in student's understanding from a range of different methods as well as identifying the tools used to support in closing those gaps.

  • Summative Assessment – In this session you will investigate how we plan for and use the results of summative assessment including user of baselines, rubrics and tracking

  • Assessment in Programming – You will examine specific issues relating to assessment of programming before looking at how we plan for assessing programming and what strategies can be utilised. 

Who is it for?

This course is for Key Stage 3 Teachers of computing and Subject leaders of computing.

How will you learn?

Hands-on experiential learning with the collaborative support of your peers.
Expert advice and instruction on the computing curriculum and the expectations of a computer science teacher, from experienced classroom practitioners.

How long is this course?

This is a one-day course which consists of five hours of teaching time.


Participants will:

  • Be aware of what progression looks like though KS3.
  • Be able to plan for assessment within lessons and how to reflect on those assessment in altering our teaching and planning.
  • Explore a range of tools and strategies for both summative and formative assessment.
  • Be aware of the specific issues of assessing programming.
  • Plan assessment models and apply particular assessment techniques suitable for progression in programming.

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