Practical work in challenging settings NY330

Explore ways of making sure practical work takes place in settings where it is difficult to implement.


Practical work is a crucial and motivating aspect of learning science in a secondary setting. In this course we will explore different ways of  planning of practical work in settings where money, staffing, safety and resourcing can all impact on the quality of the practical work that is carried out.

Together, we will look at ways of preventing and dealing with safety issues that may arise and bring together a variety of ideas in biology, chemistry and physics to reduce the costs, mess and equipment needed for common practical activities and demonstrations.

This course may support you with Science Benchmark 4 - Purposeful practical science

You may also be interested in: NY253 Health and safety for science departments

Not quite what you are looking for? Try NY316 Effective GCSE practical work: biology, NY317 Effective GCSE practical work: chemistry or NY318 Effective GCSE practical work: physics 

Who is it for?

Secondary classroom teachers in mainstream and alternative settings, lead practitioners and heads of science.

What topics are covered?

  • small scale experiments in biology, chemistry and physics
  • pragmatic health and safety
  • engaging students in practical science

How will you learn?

This course will be delivered face to face.    

How long is this course?

This is a two day intensive course 


We will support you to:

  • adopt strategies and techniques to plan and deliver high quality practical work in a classroom or lab
  • develop your understanding of pragmatic health and safety in science lessons
  • consider alternative and low cost ways to carry out practical work across the secondary curriculum

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