Using Minecraft in the curriculum - Wales only NW234

Wales only: A one day course aimed at increasing the confidence of staff to work with and deliver lessons based around the Enginuity Skills Miner games which have been developed in Minecraft.


Teachers in Wales only:

Aim: To increase the confidence of staff to work with and deliver lessons based around the Enginuity Skills Miner games which have been developed in Minecraft.

Programme: A bespoke course to support basic Minecraft training and bespoke Skills Miner resources that cover.

AerospaceCodingSustainable FuelsHome Energy ChallengeTeachers will be provided with take aways to include: Slide Deck and copies of lessons plans as well as Skills Miner video tutorials for each game.


Who is it for?

KS3 Teachers in Wales

What topics are covered?

  • Aerospace
  • Coding
  • Sustainable Fuels
  • Home Energy Challenge

How will you learn?

Face to face 

How long is this course?

1 day 


A working knowledge of how to play Skills Miner games (Minecraft),where they link to the curriculum, an understanding of the lesson plans and opportunities to link to employers/sectors.

Target group Key Stage 3.

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