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A big well done to our colleague Josh – European Space Leaders Award winner!

Published: May 9, 2022 3 min read


At STEM Learning, we’re proud of our people and love to celebrate their achievements. Congratulations to our Enrichment Project Officer Josh Duncan - who co-ordinates our CyberCenturion, CanSat and other STEM challenges and competitions – and has recently received a European Space Leaders Award.

The award was presented to Josh at the 6th European Space Generation Workshop (E-SGW) in Limassol, Cyprus – an event run by the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC). SGAC is a global non-profit organisation and network which aims to represent students and young professionals (18-35) working in, or interested in, the global space sector. SGAC has permanent observer status at the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS) and contributions and recommendations from its members are regularly provided to UN COPUOS.  

Here's what Josh had to say about the event and the award:

“It was fantastic to be able to attend the attend the E-SGW in Cyprus! Not only did this represent my first opportunity to travel overseas following the pandemic, it was also my very first Space Generation Advisory Council event. Space and halloumi, a great combination!

“Following involvement on the voluntary organising committee for the event, I was fortunate enough to be awarded with a European Space Leaders scholarship to attend the event in person. The workshop brought together 85 young people from 23 different countries.

“In addition to speakers from the likes of the European Space Agency, KPMG and Astroscale, there was also the opportunity to engage in panel discussions on topics such as sustainability in space and improving diversity within the space sector workforce. Delegates then discussed four key areas of space in Europe across smaller working groups. These topic areas included the commercialisation of space in Europe, space sustainability, emerging applications in space and space exploration.

“Over two days of discussion, the working groups were able to formulate recommendations that SGAC would make to UN COPOUS. Involvement in SGAC and other organisations is therefore a fantastic opportunity for young people to make a meaningful contribution to the future of the space sector.”

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Find out about the CanSat competition

As the European Space Education Resource Office UK (ESERO-UK), STEM Learning is positioned to engage with and influence the space sector on how it reaches and works with young people. The space industry in the UK is rapidly growing, and so it’s important that we keep an up-to-date knowledge of the needs of the wider European space sector and the role that students and young professionals have, to better inform the work of ESERO-UK in inspiring the next generation of space professionals.