Teachers in Wales only. Cutting edge biology: Genetics & Genomics CPD for teachers NW235

A one day course in partnership with Wales Gene Park, for KS3,4 & 5 Biology Teachers in Wales to enhance knowledge & confidence in their teaching of genetics and genomics.


A one day course in partnership with Wales Gene Park, for KS3,4 & 5 Biology Teachers in Wales to enhance knowledge & confidence in their teaching of genetics and genomics.



Welcome & Introduction to the day (WGP)

9.30 - 10.15

“Nutrigenomics -Taste and beyond”

Dr Maninder Ahluwalia    

10.15 -11.15

Bioinformatics Workshop: Identifying SNPs associated with the genetics of taste)

Drs Maninder Ahluwalia, Richard Webb, Andrew Thomas, Elaine Green

11.15-30 - Coffee

11.30 -12

External speaker (to be confirmed by Wales Gene Park)

12 -12.30

Tremolo: a new podcast drama for post 16 students with accompanying educational pack

Wales Gene Park, Illumine Theatre & Theatr Genedlaethol

1-1.45 - Lunch

1.45 - 3.45

Lab session (identifying SNPs associated with the genetics of taste) with hands-on stations – cells, microscopes, measuring DNA, agarose gel electrophoresis – and interpreting results) with follow-up discussion/debate on genetics & ethics including sequencing genomes, consent etc) 

Drs Maninder Ahluwalia, Richard Webb, Andrew Thomas, Neil Rushmere, Elaine Green

3.45 - 4

Evaluation, wrap-up and close

Enquiries: joss@techniquest.org

Who is it for?

KS3, 4 & 5 Biology Teachers in Wales

What topics are covered?

Genetics & Genomics

How will you learn?

Face to face 

How long is this course?

1 day 9am - 4pm


Outcome is to enhance knowledge & confidence in the teaching of genetics and genomics at KS3, 4 & 5.

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