Using data and assessment to improve pupil outcomes RP409

Understand how to use data and assessment to improve pupil outcomes


Do you need help with using data and assessment to improve pupil outcomes?  Effective teaching is underpinned by the accurate use of assessment, enabling teachers to check knowledge and understanding of children. The use of accurate assessment allows teaching to be adapted and personalised, improving the learning journey for students. This CPD aims to improve teachers’ knowledge of their students through a range of formative and summative assessment strategies whilst considering the importance of accurate assessment. During this course, you’ll explore formative assessment strategies and their key characteristics. You’ll explore how to make effective assessments including diagnostic questions and how you can then analyse the data you have gathered. You will finally look at how to maximise the impact of assessment and feedback on student learning and consider how assessment and feedback feeds into future planning.


  • Understand what is meant by data and assessment
  • Discuss appropriate assessment design
  • Analyse and reflect on your data, giving consideration to the impact on your students
  • Using your data to inform future practice

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