Cognitive Chemistry NN301


This course explores how to apply cognitive science and evidence based research in lesson starters, plenaries, homework and formative assessment activities. Discover applied cognitive science techniques and activities to refresh and revitalise your chemistry lessons with evidence informed approaches and practical strategies. The course delves into the application of spaced learning, interleaving, retrieval practice, managing cognitive load and using schemas to various topics from key stage 3, GCSE and A-level Chemistry specifications.

Who is it for?

Chemistry teachers

What topics are covered?

Application of spaced learning, interleaving, retrieval practice, managing cognitive load and using schemas to various topics from key stage 3, GCSE and A-level Chemistry specifications.

How will you learn?

Face to face

How long is this course?

2 days


This workshop will enable teachers of chemistry to;

  • summarise five approaches to teaching and learning inspired by cognitive science to use in chemistry lessons, with a particular focus on acquiring and retaining knowledge (day 1)
  • use and evaluate examples of teaching, learning and/or assessment activities (day 1)
  • collaborate with other workshop attendees and create teaching activities to use in five key areas of the curricula (day 1)
  • independently create, use and evaluate one activity for one area of the curriculum.
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