Teaching A level biology for the first time RN532 / B04

Start date
1 Jul 24
1 Day
St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School, Somerset Square, Bristol BS1 6RT View on Google Map


Are you teaching KS5 biology for the first time or have only recently started teaching the key stage 5 content? Are you considering the best approaches in delivering high quality A level biology teaching?

This course will improve your confidence in the subject and help you maximise the outcomes for your students. You will consider how to support the transition of your students into key stage 5 and how to nurture the development of core skills required in the post-16 biology classroom. Through the development of strategies which promote higher order skills (and therefore avoiding spoon-feeding content), you will develop students with a much deeper and richer understanding of the specification. You will examine key areas of research around effective practical delivery and have some hands-on activities to consider strategies to undertake some of the biology core practicals. Finally you will look at ways to prepare your students for maximising their attainment in terminal assessments.


This course has a 70% teacher release payment available to claim. Please use discount code TRP2224 or contact sciencehub@adfecto.org.uk for more information.

Who is the course leader?


By attending this session you will:

  • Identify features and habits of successful A level biology students and be able to implement these habits inside and outside of the classroom environment to develop successful students;
  • Develop strategies to aid student achievement in terminal assessments through exam preparation and departmental planning;
  • Enhance your practice to develop post-16 biology students’ higher order thinking skills, provide enrichment opportunities and securing improved attainment;
  • Develop practical work to ensure students' mastery of biological apparatus and techniques and supporting the practical work transition from GCSE to  post-16.


1 Teaching A level biology for the first time01 July 202409:30-15:30St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School

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State-funded school or collegeActivity fee£185.00 +VAT
Fee-paying school or college (independent)Activity fee£277.00 +VAT

Additional information

For courses at the National STEM Learning Centre in York, fees include meals and accommodation for the duration of the course. 


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