SKE for teaching A level chemistry immersive course SL504

Improve your subject knowledge of A level chemistry


We know that teaching A level chemistry for the first time can be daunting. This course supports you with developing your own understanding of key parts of the A level curriculum and how they fit together, as well as how to support students in practical work to develop those ideas.

You'll be guided and supported by highly experienced A level teachers and have the chance to ask questions throughout. There will be ongoing support after the course, as well as the chance to build a network with other teachers in the same position.

Who is it for?

ECTs, trainee teachers or experienced teachers starting to teach A level chemistry

What topics are covered?

  • Misconceptions: identifying and combatting common misconceptions and how to prevent learners from slipping back into these ideas.
  • Subject knowledge: In your specialist science we look at areas where students struggle and aim to build your (and their) confidence.
  • Progression: We look at how to progress learning throughout the 2 years and link to the big picture of science.

How will you learn?

High impact, high quality residential CPD at our National STEM Learning Centre in York - delivered by experts - which will transform your teaching practice, and also give you the chance to meet colleagues from across the UK in person.

Fantastic on site accommodation and delicious food is included too.

How long is this course?

5 day


By the end of this course you will be able to: 

  • understand key misconceptions students may have within their subject
  • practice core practical skills required for A Level
  • identify ways to engage students with more challenging part of the A level course
  • access resources and support to help with their first teaching of A Level science

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