Using 3D printers creatively in KS3 and KS4 design and technology TY214 / A16

Start date
10 Nov 16
2 Days
National STEM Learning Centre, University of York, York YO10 5DD How to find us


“I feel I am now prepared to plan ahead for the use of 3D printing as part of our DT curriculum” Course participant, 2015

Are you looking for support with getting your printer up and running in the classroom? Would you like to see ideas for how 3D printing can be used in key stage 3 and key stage 4? Would you like to integrate a 3D printer into your curriculum but don't know how to use one?

This intensive two day course on 3D printing will develop your knowledge and awareness of hardware, software and the benefits that 3D printing can have to student outcomes.

Our knowledgeable presenters will share their experiences in delivering 3D printing lessons across the key stages, with specific focus on utilising 3D printing at GCSE design and technology. Knowledge of CAD is helpful, but not necessary.

Through a mix of both hands-on workshops and presentations, we will develop knowledge of different CAD modelling techniques with specific focus on the development of 2D sketches into 3D printable models. We will also provide guidance for classroom health and safety, maintenance and achieving a high quality printed outcome.

“You have struck the right balance with this excellent course. To share the presenters experience was greatly appreciated and your other expert guests gave the course real value.” Course participant, 2015

Laptops are provided for all participants and we will be using the latest educational version of Autodesk Inventor for the majority of the design sessions However, if you are an experienced CAD user, you are welcome to bring your own device with your own choice of CAD software. The content will primarily focus on how filament printers are used in the classroom, although other technologies will be mentioned.

This is a residential course, fees include meals and accommodation for the duration of the course. Course fees vary for participants outside the UK. Please contact for more information.


You will be able to:

  • develop ideas for creative student projects at KS3 and KS4
  • discover a range of software used to both design and manage 3D CAD files
  • explore the 3D file marketplace and gain ideas of where to find resources both online and locally
  • understand techniques to maintain 3D printers and ensure a high-quality build of products



Using 3D printers creatively in KS3 and KS4 design and technology - day 110 November 201610:00-19:00National STEM Learning Centre
Using 3D printers creatively in KS3 and KS4 design and technology - day 211 November 201609:00-15:15National STEM Learning Centre

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