The iCould careers collection provides invaluable insight into what is possible in work and offers different ways for students to think about careers. The collection hosts short career videos, showcasing real-life storytellers and providing an inside view of their current job and a personal account of how they got there. 

The videos can be a useful resource for teachers to help bring careers to life as part of a lesson. They can also be used by STEM Ambassadors running sessions in school and at STEM Clubs.




Showing 39 result(s)

Head of engineering

This video presents James, head of engineering for a radio company. James discusses how after finishing school he didn't know what to study at university. After discovering a passion for sound engineering he went on to study it further, and how he was offered the role of junior engineer. James also discusses his...

Senior composites engineer

This video introduces Paul, a senior composites engineer for Lola Cars International. Paul explains his role in designing the structures that are made of carbon fibre for race cars such as the one featured in the video. He discusses the love of engineering he had when he was younger and how his maths, physics and...

Environment officer

Manna is an environmental officer for the Environment Agency, she discusses her role in this video. The team she works in inspects businesses to ensure they are managing their waste properly, working closely with fire service and police as first responders in major disasters such as chemical fires.



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