Oxford Sparks: Key Stage 4 resources

A full set of resources which can be used to add research based contexts to lessons for 14-16 year olds.



Showing 27 result(s)

Watching the brain at work

This activity introduces students to an exciting technique at the forefront of brain research, functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI. Researchers use this powerful imaging technique to pinpoint precisely which areas of the brain are associated with different activities.

The activity guides students...

Wave or particle

Does light behave like a wave, a stream of particles or both? Scientists at the University of Oxford are taking advantage of the particle-wave duality of light to carry out work developing exciting new technologies.


Supply and Demand

The UK currently relies heavily on electricity generated by fossil fuel power plants. But in order to cut down on air pollution and meet emission targets their use is being phased out. The big question is: how will we meet demands without them?


Tackling injuries

Scientists at the University of Oxford are investigating the link between sporting activity in young people and the development of osteoarthritis. In very active people, bony lesions can form on the hip joint (FAI) which increases their risk of developing the condition...
