
A selection of films suitable for use in the classroom presented by Derek Muller the from the ever popular Veritasium YouTube channel 



Showing 89 result(s)

Anti gravity wheel

This video demonstrates how a 19kg flywheel, attached to a 1 metre shaft can be lifted easily when the flywheel is spinning, yet almost impossible when stationary. It appears that the rotation reduces the weight of the...

Can silence actually drive you crazy?

This video uses an anechoic chamber to investigate whether an echoless environment can significantly change our perceptions.

Do cell phones cause brain tumors?

This video asks people if they believe cell phones can cause cancer.  It then considers the available evidence logically, that is types of radiation emitted by a cell phone (non-ionising) and the power rating to conclude that the radiation should not be harmful. However, recent evidence suggests that heat-shock...

How do chameleons change colour

This video shows how collaboration between physicists and biologists has solved the mystery of how a chameleon changes its colour. The colour changes are due to light diffraction and interference patterns. Nano-sized particles in the chameleon’s skin can be distributed so selectively reflect different wavelengths...
