STEM clubs resources

This collection contains a vast array of STEM-related activity resources that are suitable for use in a STEM Club setting. The resources included in this collection contain long, short and one-off activities.

  • One-off activities are completed in one session. They are highly engaging and can have a real wow factor.
  • Short projects are any activity that takes club members two to three sessions to complete. Many of the shorter projects will include demonstrations or experiments that can be used as one-off activities.
  • Long projects are activities that take half a term or more to complete and might be considered a long project. Completing a long project can be very rewarding, especially if there is an award or a prize involved.



Showing 336 result(s)

Minimum Spanning Tree

The aim of a minimum spanning tree is to connect every vertex of the network using the edges having the least possible total weight. The task requires students to analyse information about a town centre and suggest which roads should be pedestrianized. [

Minimum spanning tree: presentation...

Mirrors and Angles Investigation

In this practical activity, from the Royal Institution, students use paired mirrors to investigate repeated reflections and the symmetrical properties of certain polygons. Based on observations made about these symmetries, students then look at how the mirrors and reflections allow them to deduce the angles in...

Mission: Rainforest

In this activity students adopt the role of a small team of undercover environmentalists, deep in a tropical rainforest, on a mission to investigate and expose the illegal activities being carried out by a multinational logging organisation that is destroying the planet.

Rainforest involves four lessons:...

Mobile Phones

Students are presented with two mobile phone tariffs and have to explore at what point one tariff becomes better value than the other. They have to select a way of comparing the tariffs using appropriate graphs or tables, work systematically to explore the effects of changing the amount of time the phone is in use...
