Interactive resources from the ABPI for students aged 14-16. Topics include: Diabetes, Hormones and Their Effects and Skin Structure and Function.



Showing 13 result(s)

Stem Cell Research

This poster illustrates how to culture adult stem cells, embryonic stem cells and the process of therapeutic stem cell cloning.

Safety at Work

A number of applied school science courses recommend that students should make a site visit to some aspect of the chemical industry. Such visits are often difficult to organise and some areas are almost impossible to get access to.

To partly address the needs of applied science courses and some A-level...

Medicine Box Challenge

This resource uses the packaging and launch of a new medicine as a context for learning about what medicines are, different types of medicine, and how to use graphs to work out the best dose and the best time interval between doses.

Making Medicines

This poster describes the different stages of the medicine development process, how long each stage takes and the costs involved.
