Solar System and the Planets

This collection contains resources relating to the Solar System and Planets. There are a range of activities, images, video and information from sources such as the European Space Agency and NASA. There are a range of materials which can be used with primary or secondary students.



Showing 27 result(s)

Exploring Saturn

A Catalyst article following the journey of the space probes Huygens and Cassini, sent to explore Titan, a moon of Saturn. After a seven year journey Huygens was set to fall through the atmosphere transmitting data back to Earth via Cassini so more can be learnt about this distant moon. The article describes the...

The Earth in Space *suitable for home teaching*

A Year 11 module from the Salters’ Key Stage Four double award science course. This module begins with revision of prior knowledge about stars, planets, moons and other bodies found in space. Students then consider gravity as the force which controls movement of bodies...

Is There Anyone Out There?

This resource was funded by the UK Space Agency and developed by ESERO-UK and CIEC Promoting Science. It is based upon the quest to discover more about the solar system through space projects such as the European Space Agency’s Aurora programme, and NASA’s Curiosity mission seeking to gather evidence of life on the...


In this lesson, students will be introduced to the advantages of big telescopes and the use of telescopes to do astronomy across the whole electromagnetic spectrum. They will then explore the transit method of detecting exoplanets (either practically, or using real astronomical data) and use mathematics to...
