Background Information

These wide-ranging resources provide information and guidance that will help practitioners and employers consider issues such as gender equality, subject choice, inclusive pedagogy and providing successful work placements.



Showing 18 result(s)

STEM Choices: Equality and Diversity Strand Chart

Produced for the Department for Education, this document outlines four levels of school engagement with STEM careers as a basis for planning the development and implementation of the STEM Subject Choice and Careers project.

EDT's Widening Participation Programme

EDT is a charity that offers a comprehensive portfolio of activities designed to promote STEM courses and careers to specific target groups of students, including females and ethnic minorities. This leaflet describes some of their courses and provides contact details for further information.

Equality Impact Assessments Workbook

This workbook was created by the former Department for Children, Schools and Families' Equality and Diversity Unit to help colleagues conduct equality impact assessments with the minimum of technical difficulty and with the policy rigour that is required.

JIVE Posters

Produced by JIVE (Joint Interventions), this set of information posters are for employers to illustrate how organisations can support and inspire women to enter and progress in Science, Engineering Technology and the Built Environment.
