Activity Case Studies

A collection of STEMNET case studies which profile activities completed by STEM Ambassadors. The activity case studies accompany a set of career case studies which describe the roles of the STEM Ambassadors who lead the activities. STEM Ambassadors are volunteers of all ages working in a range of STEM-related roles from apprentice engineers to geologists and nuclear physicists to zoologists. Not only do they have a lot of fun, but they get an opportunity to contribute to their local community and boost their skills and confidence.



Showing 18 result(s)

Activity Case Study 4: Danny Finn

In this STEMNET activity case study, STEM Ambassador Danny Finn describes how valuable engineering role models can be for students.

Danny describes a careers event called 'What's my line?' which gave pupils a chance to speak to professionals about their work. For this event, he brought pictures and models...

Activity Case Study 9: Dan Cornelius

This STEMNET Activity case study describes how Transportation Planner Dan Cornelius developed projects for a school to demonstrate maths in the workplace. In his traffic assignment exercise, children investigated traffic flow, identified potential problems and came up with solutions within a budget.


Activity Case Study 15: Colin Glen

This STEMNET activity case study describes how Colin Glen, a project manager for a construction company, is motivating future engineers through his work as a STEM Ambassador.

Along with a variety of other Ambassadors, Colin took part in a Business in Maths day at his old secondary school, talking to students...

Activity Case Study 14: Vicki Hodges

This STEMNET activity case study describes the work of Vicki Hodges as a STEM Ambassador. In a wide range of activities, she has helped to build a space station in an infant school, worked at careers fairs for older students and lectured at universities. Vicki has worked with all age groups and enjoys sharing her...
