Extended Tasks for GCSE Mathematics

This series, which formed a support package for GCSE coursework in mathematics, was developed as part of a joint project by the Shell Centre for Mathematical Education and the Midland Examining Group. The project followed the announcement in January 1984, by Sir Keith Joseph, the then Secretary of State for Education and Science to introduce a new common 16+ examination in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. This new examination, the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) included coursework which formed part of the school-based assessed element. Teachers were being asked to adopt a different role from that which they had previously, and in most cases successfully, used. There were to be new methods of assessment, carried out in the classroom, and a greater emphasis on practical and investigative work. These materials discuss the changing roles of teachers and students and offer ideas, suggestions and examples of investigations carried out by students along with extensisve teacher's notes and guidance. This resource comprises: *The Teacher's Guide *IMPACT - a departmental development programme *Eight books of investigations classified into four categories *Pure investigations, Statistics, Practical Geometry and Applications. Each of the eight books offer a lead task which is fully supported by detailed teacher's notes, a student's introduction to the problem, a case study, examples of students' work which demonstrate achievement at a variety of levels, together with six alternative tasks of a similar nature. The alternative tasks simply comprise the student's introduction to the problem and some brief teacher's notes. It was intended that these alternative tasks should be used in a similar manner to the lead task and hence only the lead task has been fully supported with more detailed teacher's notes and examples of students' work. The books conclude with comments from an examining board moderator.



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This book from the Shell centre focuses on the pure investigations. The pure investigation tasks are, perhaps, rather different from the other two main types of extended task, those of a practical nature and those of an applied nature, in the sense that they allow students to seek out the pattern and beauty of...

Improving mathematics practice and classroom teaching (Impact) is a departmental development programme for a department, or small group of teachers within a department, who may wish to review their style of mathematics teaching. The teacher activities offered are designed to provoke discussion, thought sharing and...

The teacher’s guide from the Shell Centre which accompanies the series of modules to support school-based assessment is the main guide to the materials. It makes some suggestions as to how the materials might best be used. It was not intended that this guide should be read from cover to cover at the first attempt...
