Catalyst Volume 22 Issue 2

This issue of Catalyst includes the following articles:

Diving Deep

Many mammal species can dive to great depths. This article explores how their bodies are adapted to cope with the great pressures involved.

Jewellery Metals

This article focuses on how jewellery is traditionally made from metals such as gold, silver and platinum because these metals may be found in their native state and are corrosion-resistant.

Phones and Health

Do mobile phones increase the risk of cancer? This article explores the question, including a recent study from Denmark which suggests not.

Unlocking the Genetic Diversity of Rice

Wild rice was domesticated a long time ago. This article looks at understanding its genetic diversity and how it can help to develop new strains.

Flies, Weeds, Atom Bombs and Computers

This article explores 'Biomodels', biological species which are increasingly well-understood and which have been chosen because they can help us to test new biological theories, particularly in the field of genetics.

Try this - Pouring a Gas

This article explains and demonstrates how carbon dioxide gas can be made and poured.

What is Biochemistry?

This article looks at Biochemistry, the study of chemical reactions in living things.

Careers in Biochemistry

This article contains case studies of young people working in biochemistry.

From Earth to Mars

This article describes how a manned trip to Mars and back would be very demanding, both technologically and for the people involved.

Catalyst is a science magazine for students aged 14-19 years. Annual subscriptions to print copies of the magazine can be purchased from Mindsets.



Showing 10 result(s)

Flies, Weeds, Atom Bombs and Computers

This Catalyst article explores 'Biomodels', biological species which are increasingly well-understood and which have been chosen because they can help us to test new biological theories, particularly in the field of genetics.

This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2011, Volume 22, Issue 2....

Try This - Pouring a Gas

This Catalyst article explains how some gases can be poured, demonstrated by an experiment using carbon dioxide gas.

This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2011, Volume 22, Issue 2.

Catalyst is a science magazine for...

What Is Biochemistry?

This Catalyst article looks at Biochemistry, the study of chemical reactions in living things, exploring how it differs from other biological subjects and how examples can be found in everyday life.

This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2011, Volume 22, Issue 2.


Careers in Biochemistry

This Catalyst article looks at young people working in biochemistry, detailing how they got to where they are and what their job involves.

This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2011, Volume 22, Issue 2.

 Catalyst is a...
