Changing Futures: Gene Therapy

The Changing Futures project looked at cystic fibrosis from a range of perspectives. Produced by Nowgen and supported by the Wellcome Trust, the resources in this collection look at gene therapy, its development and future prospects as a treatment for cystic fibrosis (CF).

The materials are in the form of video interviews which include contributions from researchers, health practitioners and cystic fibrosis sufferers. The topics include:
* Gene therapy timeline
* What is gene therapy?
* How gene therapy works
* Gene therapy: the facts
* Gene therapy: personal perspectives



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Gene Therapy: Personal Perspectives

Produced by Nowgen, and with support from the Wellcome Trust, the Changing Futures project explored the effects of cystic fibrosis (CF) and the prospects of treatment using gene therapy. These two videos give personal perspectives on gene therapy from two cystic fibrosis sufferers.

[b]Natasha[/b] is at...
