Teach Food Technology: Teachers TV

The Teachers TV videos in this collection are those which have been suggested as part of the pre-course learning for the Food Technology in the Curriculum training course – part of the Teach Food technology national programme.

The films look at how schools have linked food technology at Key Stage Three with the wider government agenda about healthier eating and healthy schools.

It was suggested that teachers view the films in preparation for the course in order to consider their personal views on what is important in food technology education and for inspiration when planning their curriculum.



Showing 11 result(s)

7 Day Pupil Food Diaries

This Teachers TV video follows two students, Megan and Ryan, as they keep a food diary for one week, and try and eat five pieces of fruit and vegetable every day, in response to the challenge they have been set. We see the results of their endeavours as Joanna Postlethwaite, Head of Food Technology at John Cabot...

Project Crunch

In this programme from Teachers TV, students at Thomas Alleyne's High School are set an enterprise project to launch a healthier brand of crisps, with the help of local manufacturer Glennans.

Glennans approached the school with an idea for a joint project to celebrate the company's 21st anniversary. Over...

Dinner Granny

This Teachers TV video highlights an innovative programme that combines healthy school meals and environmental awareness education in a Gloucestershire special needs school. When cook Pat Kendall started working at New Siblands School, she was delighted to learn the administration wanted her to serve organic food...
