IET Education Resources

The IET Education programme has been developed by the Institution of Engineering and Technology, Europe’s largest professional organisation in the field. The aim is to introduce a new generation to the sheer excitement of science, technology and engineering.

These resources include cross-curricular classroom activities with accompanying film clips and downloadable supporting files such as presentations and handouts which can be tailored to students' needs.

The IET materials give a real insight into what it is like to be a scientist, technologist or engineer working at the cutting edge of technology. They investigate the problems that engineers face and the technologies behind their solutions and cover a variety of exciting areas.



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Inspired by the theme of the Victorians, these activities support the teaching of design and technology in context, by looking at the key events that defined the Victorian era, and how they have influenced engineering developments and society today.

IET - The Vikings

This is a multi-lesson integrated classroom project based around the theme of the Vikings, allowing design and technology and engineering to be built into a wider theme-based set of primary lesson activities, covering a range of curriculum areas. Activities can be selected as stand-alone tasks, or learners can...


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