The resources in this Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) collection look at the aerodynamic characteristics of objects. Students explore the requirements of aerodynamic design through testing simple shapes in a wind tunnel. The activities focus on students acquiring an understanding of aerodynamics through testing, experimenting and developing.




Showing 11 result(s)

Investigating Streamlined Shapes

This activity will allow students a practical opportunity to apply the formula of speed to establish and consider why streamlined shapes are advantageous.

The activity gives students the opportunity to explain what...

Investigating Wind Turbines

Windmills and wind turbines are based upon the principle of trying to create a shape where air flow causes the maximum possible change in kinetic energy. Wind turbines are designed to convert the kinetic energy in wind into electrical energy to power millions of homes...

Presenting Speedy Boats Results

This activity considers displaying data from a practical investigation looking at the effect of streamlining a boat's hull. It gives students the opportunity to consider how this information can be represented effectively and use this to form conclusions. The...

Speedy Boats

The focus of this activity is on the principle of hydrodynamics through testing boat hull designs in a test tank.

This activity gives students the opportunity to explore and develop their critical thinking and decision making skills through a practical approach....
