The Principia Space Diary aims to help children find out more about the Principia mission, to strengthen literacy and digital literacy skills and engage children in STEM learning. This resource contains several activities from the Space Diary, in which children work as space apprentices retracing Tim Peake’s journey into space and finding out about life on the International Space Station.

This resource has been provided by Curved House Kids. It has been written by Lucy Hawking and illustrated by Ben Hawkes.




Showing 8 result(s)

Principia Space Diary: making history

In this activity children explore timelines, identifying dates relevant to themselves and their families and then significant events in the history of space exploration. They could then interview family and friends about their...

Principia Space Diary: robots in space

Robots are really useful in space as they can do lots of different jobs, some of which are too difficult or dangerous for humans. This activity looks at the different uses of robots in space exploration, with children...

Inspired by space: engaging girls in STEM

This guide supports educators in inspiring all children to enjoy activities relating to STEM subjects, in particular girls. It looks at statistics of women in STEM roles and introduces many female...

Principia Space Diary

The Principia Space Diary aims to help children find out more about the Principia mission, to strengthen literacy and visual literacy skills and engage children in STEM learning. The diary is supported over the six months of Tim's mission by lesson plans released each month. The teaching notes produced so far...
