Classroom Space

Classroom Space was developed by the University of Leicester with a grant from the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC). It was designed to use the context of space science and astronomy to teach science in the secondary school curriculum. The resources are: * Water on Mars? * Weathering on the Earth and Moon * Water on the Moon * Volcanoes on Earth and Mars * The Position of Volcanoes on Earth and Mars * The Temperature on Mars * Searching for Signs of Life on Mars * Which Satellite Am I? * Robots Are Colour Blind * Mars Life - Viking Mission * Impacts * Global Warming * I Wouldn't Send a Dog Out on a Night Like This!



Showing 13 result(s)

The Position of Volcanoes on the Earth and Mars

The movement of tectonic plates against each other can cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and most active volcanoes on the Earth are located along the edge of these plates. Volcanoes can also occur far away from plate boundaries, although this is less common.

These volcanoes are maintained by hotspots...

Water on the Moon

Scientists must design and evaluate many ways of extracting water from the lunar permafrost before planning lunar colonies and manned missions using the moon as a base.

In this activity students will construct a solar water collector. Using the collector, students will collect and calculate the amount of...

Weathering on the Earth and Moon

The loose fragments of material on the Moon’s surface are called regolith. This regolith, a product of bombardment by meteorites, is the debris thrown out of the impact craters. By contrast, regolith on Earth (called ‘soil’ as it contains organic material) is a product of weathering. ‘Weathering’ describes all the...

I Wouldn’t Send a Dog Out on a Night Like This!

In this resource, students attempt to apply their understanding of heat transfer (convection, conduction and radiation) to the novel case of the Beagle 2 Lander.

Students are set the challenge of creating the best...


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