Catalyst Volume 24 Issue 3

This issue of Catalyst contains the following articles:

The Most Accurate Thermometer in the World

This article looks at how a highly accurate thermometer measures temperatures by finding the speed of sound in a gas.

Award-winning Models

This article looks at the work of three chemists who won the 2013 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for devising a method for producing models of complex molecules.

Essential Oils as Antimicrobial Agents

A school microbiology club investigates the antimicrobial effects of some essential oils.


This article investigates aerogels, which are amongst the least dense solid materials and are not much denser than air, and their surprising properties.

The Dolls of Confusion

This article describes how humans can misjudge the weights of small dense objects and large, light objects and how human perception of weight is easily fooled.

 Saving Lives While Cooking Lunch

This article investigates how a more efficient stove is an example of appropriate technology - it produces less hazardous smoke and can generate electricity too.

Thorium - the Perfect Nuclear Fuel?

Thorium can be used as the fuel in a fission reactor - and it appears to be much safer than uranium.

Try This - the Thermal Decomposition of Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate 

Bicarbonate of soda decomposes on heating - it is used in the making of cinder toffee.

Scientific Volunteers

This article looks at volunteering opportunities for students where can use their skills to help communities around the world.

Catalyst is a science magazine for students aged 14-19 years. Annual subscriptions to print copies of the magazine can be purchased from Mindsets.



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Catalyst Volume 24 Issue 3: Full Magazine

This issue of Catalyst contains the following articles:



This Catalyst article investigates the nature of aerogels, which are among the least dense solid materials, not much denser than air. Aerogels were made as the result of a bet and ended up going into space to capture comet dust. They are the lightest solids which exist and have some unusual features.

