dy/dan Three act math

These materials are based around the idea of mathematical story-telling, something that the resources’ author describes as ‘The Three Acts of a Mathematical Story’.

Act One

This is where the story is introduced, using as few words as possible, and in a way that will hook students into wanting to find out the answer. In the first act, the aim is to impose as few demands on the students as possible in terms of either language or mathematics. A problem is posed through the use of a short video or a photograph. Students give two estimates of the answer to the problem; one that is an over estimate, the other an under estimate.

 Act Two

During Act Two students assess what information they have, and the mathematical tools available to them. In response to questions from students, additional information is given. Examples include a photograph showing key dimensions of a situation, a video with a timer, a photograph showing a route between two points. Students then work to refine their answers.

Act Three

The third act builds on the hard work of the second act and the motivation of act one. Conflict is resolved by showing a solution to a problem, and in some instances setting up a sequel. At this stage the solution is shown either in the form of a video or a photograph.

Each resource employs whichever of the ‘acts’ are necessary to accomplish telling the mathematical story.



Showing 12 result(s)

This sub-collection of materials from the dy/dan collection contains three resources that bring mathematical storytelling to the classroom in the context of ‘percentages and fractions’. Resources comprise:

  • Act One: a video or photograph to provide a ‘hook’ to the problem

  • Act Two:...


This sub-collection of materials from the dy/dan collection contains three resources that bring mathematical storytelling to the classroom in the context of ‘sequences’. Resources comprise:

  • Act One: a video or photograph to provide a ‘hook’ to the problem

  • Act Two: further relevant...

This sub-collection of materials from the dy/dan collection contains three resources that bring mathematical storytelling to the classroom in the context of ‘statistics’. Resources comprise:

  • Act One: a video or photograph to provide a ‘hook’ to the problem

  • Act Two: further...

Area of a circle

This sub-collection of materials from the dy/dan collection contains three resources that bring mathematical storytelling to the classroom in the context of ‘area of a circle’. Resources comprise:

  • Act One: a video or photograph to provide a ‘hook’ to the problem

  • Act Two: further...
