Percentages and fractions

This sub-collection of materials from the dy/dan collection contains three resources that bring mathematical storytelling to the classroom in the context of ‘percentages and fractions’. Resources comprise:

  • Act One: a video or photograph to provide a ‘hook’ to the problem

  • Act Two: further relevant information for solving the problem

  • Act Three: the payoff from the hard work of earlier acts in the form of a video or photograph that resolves the problem

Each resource employs whichever of the ‘acts’ are necessary to accomplish telling the mathematical story.



Showing 5 result(s)

Amazon percent discount

A screen grab is shown of a product page from the internet. The list price is given, together with the amount saved. The new price and the percentage discount are blanked out. The task is to find the discounted price and the percentage discount.

The screen grab is shown again, but this time with the new...
