An introduction to VEX IQ programming with Modkit

A series of six lessons on VEX IQ Programming with Modkit. The lessons include:

  • an introduction to the world of robotics in the context of the Key Stage 2 computing curriculum
  • expanding on the students' knowledge on programming the drivetrain. Students will also use the Touch LED sensor to provide user feedback during the program execution
  • introduction to sensors: students will learn how sensors allow a robot to examine its environment and how this data can be used to make decisions
  • introduction to the ‘color’ sensor and its usage within Modkit
  • a follow-up on the introduction of the ‘color’ sensor and its usage within Modkit. The students will also learn the concept of variables, which they will set to a constant value throughout the program
  • revision of all the programming skills the students have learned throughout the lessons




Showing 6 result(s)

An introduction to VEX IQ programming with Modkit: lesson 5

The purpose of this lesson is to introduce the ‘color’ sensor and its usage within Modkit. The students will also learn the concept of variables, which they will set to a constant value throughout the program. 

The remaining lessons can be found ...

An introduction to VEX IQ programming with Modkit: lesson 6

The purpose of this lesson is revise and combine all the programming skills the students have learned throughout these lessons. In addition students will extend their knowledge on variables.

The remaining lessons can...


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