PhET Interactive Simulations

To help students engage in science and mathematics through inquiry, PhET simulations were developed to allow students to investigate cause-and-effect relationships and answer scientific questions through exploration of the simulation.

Several tools in the simulations provide an interactive experience:

*Click and drag to interact with simulation features

*Use sliders to increase and decrease parameters

*Choose between options with radio buttons

*Make measurements in your experiments with various instruments – rulers, stop-watches, voltmeters, and thermometers.



Showing 31 result(s)

Molecules and Light

This simulation can be used to explore how light interacts with molecules in our atmosphere.

Sample learning objectives include:

*Explore how light interacts with molecules in our atmosphere

*Identify that absorption of light depends on the molecule and the type of light

*Relate the...

Molecule Shapes Basics

This simulation allows students to explore molecule shapes by building molecules in 3D and seeing how the molecule's shape changes as atoms are added.

It can be used to demonstrate that:

*The molecule shape is due to repulsions between atoms.

*The bonds are not fixed in place, but can rotate...

Ohm's Law

This simulation demonstrates how Ohm's law relates to a simple circuit. The voltage and resistance can be adjusted to see how this affects the current. The sizes of the symbols in the equation change to match the circuit diagram.

pH scale basics

With this simulation students can test the pH of everyday liquids such as coffee, spit, and soap to determine whether each is acidic, basic, or neutral. They can also investigate how adding more of a liquid or diluting with water affects pH. Sample learning outcomes include:

  • Determine if a solution is...
