Numbers and Measures

This collection of resources is produced by the Core Maths Support Programme to support the implementation of Core Maths. The collection contains a range of activities all designed to enable students to use and apply mathematics in unfamiliar contexts.



Showing 42 result(s)

Snowman challenge

In this Core Maths resource students are given the open-ended task of designing a snowman. Students are given some basic information about the density of different types of snow and some relevant formulae, and are asked to design a ‘life-sized’ snowman and give a full mathematical description of it.


Surface area to volume ratio of cells

This Core Maths task asks students to consider the relationship between surface area and volume and how this applies to cells. The materials include a presentation that can be used to lead students through the task and to aid discussion.

The teachers' notes contains a suggested starting point for the...

Using and Abusing Percentages

This activity examines the use of percentages in research and the media. The examples used focus on the distinction between absolute and relative percentages and percentage changes. The need for improved education in the area of communication of risk is at the heart of...

What can you lift?

In this task students are required to estimate dimensions and use given densities to calculate an estimate for the mass of a number of objects. Calculators and/or spreadsheets are recommended when substituting into the formulae for the volume and mass of the solids.

The teachers' notes give a suggested...
