Building on the Key Stage 1 Blockly activity, this course introduces children to repeat loops, 'if' statements, and variables.

The activities focus on driving a delivery van around increasingly complex routes involving twists, turns and traffic lights. At the end of Lower Key Stage 2, the children can demonstrate their programming skills by creating a routing challenge for friends.

Children get the opportunity to design their own background and characters, and set up variables such as traffic lights to increase the level of complexity



Showing 12 result(s)

Ana Discusses Repeat Until and Repeat While Functions

In this video, a product owner at Ocado describes her role and how she uses data to plan efficient delivery routes.

She also describes how Repeat Until and Repeat While commands can be used to make programs repeat an unknown number of times.

Chris and Matt Introduce if Statements

In this video, two senior software engineers at Ocado explain how top-secret algorithms help in automated warehouses.

They also describe IF statements, and how important they are in all computer programs. They compare their use to examples in the real world.

Helen Explains if else Statements

A software engineer at Ocado explains her role and how it links to the Rapid Router system. She also explains if-else statements for making choices, and links them to real-life decision making such as crossing the road.

The video can help children begin to understand careers in software engineering.

Will Discusses Variables

In this video, a team leader at Ocado technology explains his role managing a programming team.

He also explains variables, and how they are used in programs. He uses examples in the real-world, linked to variables in the Rapid Router software, to explain how variables are used in control technology.
