
The resources in this collection show how you can take basic physics and chemistry demonstrations and change them into magic tricks. Each resources comes with teachers notes and a video which shows how to carry out the trick.



Showing 11 result(s)

The Transitioning Beaker Trick

In this magic trick, a glass container filled with clear, colourless liquid is briefly covered and suddenly it has been swapped for a flask full of opaque dark-blue liquid. It can then be changed back without anyone noticing the swap. The trick uses the classic 'iodine clock' reaction.

The Vanishing Bowl of Water Trick

This magic trick uses the superabsorbent polymer sodium polyacrylate to make a bowl of water disappear. The crystals of sodium polyacrylate can absorb around 200 times their mass in water, turning the crystals into a gel, so it can easily soak up and hold all the water you pour in from your glass, even if the...

The Vanishing Head aka Ghost Drink Trick

In this magic trick, based on Pepper's ghost, any object placed in a box becomes transparent or sometimes even vanishes. By controlling the relative amounts of light transmitted and reflected through a piece of Perspex at a 45 degree angle, objects seem to appear or vanish.
