Neon careers resources are a comprehensive resource collection for everything engineering. The primary and secondary resources introduce students to future STEM careers, helping young people to understand more about the world of engineering and learn about engineers working in real jobs.



Showing 17 result(s)

Engineering themed postcards

A series of themed postcards showing exciting areas where engineers are making a difference: electronics, medicine, power, products, space, sport, transport and water.

These A6 postcards, aimed at students aged 10 to 14, are designed to showcase the broad and exciting range of careers available in...

Engineer your future

An editable slide-deck for teachers, advisers and STEM Ambassadors to inform and inspire 14 to 19 year olds about a careers in engineering. 

Parents' guide to engineering careers

Help encourage your child's STEM skills, passion and talent with this parents' guide to engineering careers.

Inspiring future engineers: notes for teachers

There is a high demand for engineers in the UK and engineering is one of the most in demand jobs globally. From apprentices to technicians; graduates to postgraduates, engineers are needed at all levels, in a wide range of sectors.

This leaflet provides guidance for teachers, with key points about...


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