Hamilton Trust Mixed Years 3 and 4 Science

This collection of resources have been produced by Hamilton Trust to support science in mixed year group classes of Year 3 and 4. They are split into 12 blocks of 6 sessions, each of which can be completed within a half-term. The materials are designed to encourage a practical approach to primary science and includes key skills and ways of working scientifically. The blocks are:

  • Magnetic fun and games
  • Fit for success
  • A world of living things
  • Plants: A feast of flowers
  • What's the matter
  • Sounds spectacular
  • This planet rocks
  • Shining the light
  • Habitat Helpers
  • Greatly Green Growers
  • The circle of life
  • Electric personalities

This collection of resources is part of the Hamilton Trust Primary Science collection.

The Hamilton website also hosts a wealth of other free resources.



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The Circle of Life

This resource contains six activities that link to Animals, including Humans, these resources are designed for use with mixed age groups classes of Year 3 and 4. Activities include:

  • using everyday objects to model the digestive system, whilst learning about the organs and their functions.
  • ...
