Hamilton Trust Mixed Years 5 and 6 Science

This collection of resources have been produced by Hamilton Trust to support science in mixed year group classes of Year 3 and 4. They are split into 12 blocks of 6 sessions, each of which can be completed within a half-term. The materials are designed to encourage a practical approach to primary science and includes key skills and ways of working scientifically. The blocks are:

  • Illustrating life cycles
  • Materials consultants
  • Human species
  • Theatre lighting technicians
  • Electric art
  • Medical manoeuvres
  • Special effects materials
  • Space
  • Welcome to Force-Land
  • Classification Code
  • Survival of the fittest
  • Sensational science

This collection of resources is part of the Hamilton Trust Primary Science collection.

The Hamilton website also hosts a wealth of other free resources.



Showing 6 result(s)

Welcome to Force-Land

This resource contains six activities that link to Forces. This unit is taught through the concept of a theme park, with children investigating a range of rides and rollercoasters. These resources are designed for use with mixed age groups classes of Year 5 and 6. Activities include:

  • investigating the...

Survival of the Fittest

This resource contains six activities that link to Evolution and Inheritance. These resources are designed for use with mixed age groups classes of Year 5 and 6. Activities include:

  • exploring inheritance and variation through Guess Who and Top Trumps, noting simple dominant and recessive genes and...
