
Proteins are polymers of amino acids, and they do all sorts of incredible things. They give structure to living things, carry messages and molecules around our bodies, support the immune system and catalyse chemical reactions, and they are used widely in industry and medicine too. In these articles, we explore proteins and discover how they are involved in all kinds of processes in humans and other organisms.



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Cellular respiration

Respiration is the chemical process of releasing energy from organic compounds. This poster illustrates the series of enzyme-controlled reactions in which energy is transferred to produce adenosine triphosphate (...

Structure and movement

All proteins have a similar basic repeated structure based on three amino acids. This article explores collagen, why we need proteins in our diet and the formation of microtubules.


Haemoglobin is a vital protein that transports oxygen around our bodies – how does it do this, and what role does the structure of proteins play in transport across cell membranes?


Explore enzymes from adenosine triphosphate synthase to enzymes specific to extremophiles, digestive enzymes and the role of immobilized enzymes.
