Running STEM Clubs online

The videos in this collection have been created to support the online CPD course 'Running STEM Clubs Online' GO100.

This course is for teachers, educators, parents or STEM Ambassadors who want to run a STEM Club remotely or online. The course takes place through an online community group on our website. It is designed run over one week, with a total duration of two to three hours. The course pages will remain open to you to access for 10 weeks. 

You can complete the steps at any time during the week and at the end of the week we will direct you towards a 30 minute webinar/teach-meet where you can ask questions or discuss ideas that came up during your learning.

For further course details and to sign up now, please visit the course summary page here.



Showing 9 result(s)

STEM Club activity: how to make a lava lamp

This video has been created to support the online CPD course 'Running STEM Clubs Online' GO100...
