Mysteries of the deep Earth

This series of seven lessons were written by the University of Edinburgh with support from CSIRO, the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), and the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

The materials contains detailed presentations, student worksheet, extension materials and solutions. Lessons can be used as stand alone activities or as a series of lessons exploring how the secondary level mathematics is used in real life.

In each lesson, students are asked to complete a series of activities to support a scientific research vessel on its journey. The science objectives of the voyage are listed as:

Hotspot dynamics in the Coral Sea: connections between the Australian Plate and the deep Earth.

Scientists will be collecting rocks from volcanoes along a submerged seamount chain and using sound, magnetics and gravity to make 3D maps of the volcano shapes. These chains are similar to the Hawaiian and Canary Islands in that they are volcanoes which formed away from the edges of tectonic plates (such as in the Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’), and scientists want to understand how, why and when they formed.

Understanding the spatial links between geomorphology and biodiversity in the Coral Sea Australian Marine Park. 

Maps of the underwater volcanoes will be analysed to understand how different shapes, structures and ‘underwater landscapes’ provide habitats for marine species such as corals and invertebrates.

Spatial and temporal variability in the distribution and abundance of seabirds. 

Scientists on the observation deck high on the ship will be observing seabirds and marine mammals (such as whales and dolphins) to understand where they live and their behaviours.

The lesson topics cover:

Lesson 1 - Bearings

Lesson 2 - Plotting coordinates (Maths)

Lesson 3 - Plotting coordinates (Geography)

Lesson 4 - Estimation

Lesson 5 - Underwater volcano hunting activity

Lesson 6 - Hotspot migration activity

Lesson 7 - Negative numbers under sea




Showing 7 result(s)

Lesson 5 - Underwater volcano hunting activity

In this resource students are asked to perform numerical calculations in order to reveal parts of an image of an underwater volcano chain.

Students must correctly answer the question contained on each square to reveal part of the map hidden behind the squares, in order to find the location of the underwater...

Lesson 6 - Hotspot Migration activity

In this resource students are asked to measure the distances between the seamounts and reefs on a map, convert their readings into kilometres, and plot the data on a graph to calculate the speed of the Australian plate.

The materials contain a detailed presentation, student worksheets and solutions.

Lesson 7 - Negative numbers under the sea

In this resource students are asked to help a team of scientists to investigate Lexington Seamount, a newly named underwater volcano located in the Coral Sea, off of Australia's east coast.

Using multibeam mapping technology, scientists have been able to produce maps of extinct underwater volcanoes that have...
