Recycle Week - 25th September to 1st October 2024

To support and highlight Recycle Week in lessons there are a number of resources in this collection to engage pupils across various age ranges and parts of the curriculum.

'Race 2 Recycle' enables 9 to 11 year olds to look at the production and use of drinks cans, and discuss the environmental benefits of recycling them.

For 11 to 16 year olds there are a wide variety of resources ranging from; 'Recycling and Sustainability', a series of lessons looking at how materials can be recovered from waste and then used again; to 'Recycle or Reuse?' which not only looks at the difference between the terms reduce, reuse and recycle, but also whether these methods produce the desired effect in terms of reducing waste and energy usage. This resource also looks at some of the global social impacts of the recycling business.  The resources 'Waste Management' and 'What happens to your empty drinks cans?' are short activities which give secondary pupils the opportunity to analyse and interpret data using recycling as the theme.



Showing 9 result(s)

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

This STEAM activity gives pupils the opportunity to explore recycling through the creation of paper planes. Pupils will draw on their knowledge of everyday materials and drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share ideas as well as learning about the work of a range of artists. In order to get the most out...
