World Space Week - 4th to 10th October 2024

World Space Week is a very popular STEM awareness event and there are a large number of resources available for all age groups. This collection highlights some of the best and more topical resources to provide inspiration for lesson or STEM Club activities.

On the theme of careers, ESERO-UK have a Careers in Space section in their website looking at a variety of roles from professor of astrobiology to apprentice at Airbus; glaciologist to space lawyer.  This can be found by following this link.

In addition, the 'Ask the astronaut' resources in the list is a great series of videos where Tim Peake answers questions like 'Can you have a cup of tea in space?'.

The resources can be filtered by age group.



Showing 16 result(s)

The European Space Agency have provided a range of purposeful and engaging activities to support learners across the Primary stage. These activities cover the Science, Maths, Design Technology, Computing and Topic curriculums through activities linked to life on Earth, our atmosphere and solar system and some even...

This collection contains a whole range of resources derived from ESA (European Space Agency) research. Many activities can be carried out as stand-alone lessons or mini projects in a STEM Club setting, as well as longer term student research projects ideal for EPQ purposes. There are many demonstrations to show...

The James Webb Space Telescope is  currently making observations of distant stars and planets, following it's launch in 2021. It is a highly technical design which has taken many years to be designed and made....

This collection of resources has been written for design technology teachers to use primarily as part of the curriculum in lower secondary schools.  The resources also include a guide to the James Webb Space Telescope , written for teachers and STEM Ambassadors.

All activities include elements of design that...


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