This collection includes a set of resources which use the context of trees to help teach areas of mathematics and science.  They include:

  • Using counting trees as an example of how to estimate populations
  • articles from the popular Catalyst magazine about horse chestnut trees
  • a Crest award project which can be carried out over several hours
  • videos explaining the physics of how trees move water upwards and gain mass
  • a closer look at careers working with trees.



Showing 10 result(s)

Where do trees get their mass from?


Conker Tree Science

This article discusses how simple observations of pests on horse chestnut trees can contribute to a 'citizen science' project. The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2015, Volume 25, Issue 4.

Catalyst is a science magazine for...

Bronze award: tree for life

This project revolves around the subject of trees and the life that trees support. The activity links to the work of the OPAL project.

The project should take about 5 hours to complete. There are three activities in this pack. They can be used to learn...

Veronika Kapsali (case study)

For her research, Veronika looked at how pine cones close when the weather is wet and open when it is dry. Pine cones do this to give their seeds the best chance of flying far away from the tree so that they can grow into new trees far away. In the rain, the seeds will not fly as far and will end up competing with...
