International Day of Human Space Flight - Primary

The United Nations has designated 12th April as International Day of Human Space flight to celebrate the beginning of the space era for humankind. It was on this date in 1961 that Yuri Gagarin completed the first successful human space flight so beginning the exploration of space by people.

These resources for pupils aged 5 to 11 cover a range of topics from looking at:

  • life and the experiments on the International Space Station, 
  • how plants and crops could be grown in space
  • the manned flights to the Moon and how humans could survive on the Moon.



Showing 12 result(s)

Astrofarmer - Learning about the conditions for plant growth

In this set of six activities, pupils will investigate which factors affect plant growth, and relate these factors to growing plants in space. They will learn that plants need air, light, water, nutrients and a stable temperature to grow. Children will also observe what happens to plants when they vary some of...

Paxi Explores the Moon

This short animation film joins Paxi as he explores the moon. Paxi travels back in time to the creation of the moon, before jumping forward to introduce humankind’s many missions to the moon. Finally Paxi discuss’ what humans would need to survive on the moon for extended periods of time. This video, produced by...

Moon Constitution - How would a future lunar community be organised?

In this activity, pupils will have the opportunity to form opinions and justify their viewpoints by debating the organisational and social characteristics of a future settlement on the moon. Pupils will improve their ability to listen to and learn from others and will take part in democratic decision-making. Pupils...

Moon Rover - Building a solar-powered rover

In this set of two activities, pupils identify and compare types of renewable sources of energy, before being encouraged to identify solar energy as one of the best options for powering a lunar rover. Pupils will learn about the environmental conditions on the moon and learn more about the purpose of lunar rovers...
