Fixperts Collection

Fixperts is a learning programme which challenges young people to work with real people to create ingenious solutions to their everyday problems. A Fixpert's project offers students the opportunity to collaborate with a real person and identify a real need in someone’s life. Students work in teams to research and develop solutions, sketch out ideas, model prototypes and make a final product as a gift to their 'fix-partner'. The story is often captured in a short video and shared with others in the form of a 'fix film'.

The resources guide learners on how to work with a ‘fix-partner’, along with how to work through the design process to identify design solutions. Each section within the collection of resources breaks down the design process into manageable chunks and provides easy to use supporting resources that can be adapted for a variety of age groups. The activities can be carried out over a number of weeks, as a stand-alone session, or as part of an after school club.



Showing 7 result(s)

Development - S04

The ‘development’ section of the Fixpert's resource focuses on creating and testing a prototype for an outcome that meets their fix partner’s needs. Students build critical skills through evaluation and they practice design decision making that balances design ideas against user needs. Activities include a focus on...

Production - S05

The ‘production’ section of the Fixpert's resource focuses on producing a  high-quality working prototype that meets the problem described in the original design brief. Activities that support this section include: ‘hack a toothbrush’, starting points for innovative ideas, and making paper bowls. These activities...

S06 Presentation

The ‘presentation’ section of the Fixpert's resource focuses on documenting the Fixpert's project in the form of a film, presentation, folder, blog or any other medium students choose. It encourages students to be reflective and critical of their practice, along with developing presentation and story-telling skills...


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