This collection provides students with information on the range of careers accessible with a STEM background. Both job-specific and general subject resources are included in this selection.



Showing 44 result(s)

A career in animal welfare

A career in animal welfare can be very rewarding with a variety of jobs open to those interested in the care and welfare of animals. Animal welfare includes animal welfare organisations and charities, rescue centres, inspectors and dog wardens.

A career in animal technology

Animal technology involves the husbandry, care and welfare of laboratory animals in scientific and bio-medical research and the carrying out of authorised procedures.
Animal research provides vital information to inform the development of new drugs and treatments for both humans and animals. The industry is...

A career in animal care

There are currently nearly 223,000 people working in animal care, spread throughout the UK. It is expected that by 2020 the industry will need a minimum of 90,000 new entrants.

A career in game and wildlife

The game and wildlife management industry involves the management of the countryside and wildlife species to protect habitats and promote bio-diversity. The industry is important to the conservation of the natural environment as well as protecting crops, supporting tourism, recreation and providing a source of high...
