In this video collection, professionals from a variety of careers discuss what they love about their jobs, how they got involved, and what other opportunities are out there.



Showing 13 result(s)

Water engineer

This video introduces Nariba, a graduate water engineer for engineering company Halcrow. Nariba performs assessments for construction projects, focusing on flood risk management. Her work includes water management, drainage, flooding, water quality issues, flood risk management and flood defences.


Fisheries technical officer

In this video, Matt describes how he became a fisheries technical officer for the Environment Agency. His job is to monitor river habitats and fish populations, including improving the habitat and restocking fish after any pollution incidents.

The video could be used to introduce units of work including...

Environmental improvement manager

Nathan is an environmental improvement manager at North East Lincolnshire County Council.  He looks at the impact of the council on climate change and what they can do to reduce that impact across the full range of council services.  He’s essentially an ‘eco-warrior’ for the council.

Curriculum links include...


Deagan is an entomologist for the Forestry Commission and has travelled the world as part of his job. Curriculum links include classification, climate change, biodiversity, species, taxonomy, ecosystems, rainforests.

