
A collection of resources on the theme of telescopes, including the James Webb Space Telescope. 



Showing 8 result(s)

Hubble Space Telescope

This film, from Twig World, shows how scientists working on the Hubble Telescope, orbiting 400 miles above the Earth, fixed a fault by giving the telescope a pair of spectacles. The key points made in the film are: •The Hubble Telescope took eight years to build, from over 400,000 parts. •Initially, a fault in...

How Are Mirrors Made?

This film, from Twg World, looks at the process of manufacturing glass into sophisticated mirror systems in the world's largest telescopes.

The key points made in the film are:

•Mirrors are made from glass, which is melted and spread over a base.

•Telescopes use mirrors to focus light onto a...

James Webb Space Telescope

This IET DIY Faraday Challenge asks students to design and prototype a product or process involved in creating the James Webb Space Telescope. Your design must include an electric circuit and should be designed as a working prototype.

The James Webb Space Telescope (or Webb for short), will allow us...

Big Telescopes

A global family of giant telescopes - on the ground and in space - provides an inspirational context for STEM learning. This collection of resources linked in to astronomy cover the following topics within the curriculum: telescopes, the electromagnetic spectrum, infra-red, redshift and Doppler shift, image...
